Thursday, January 29, 2015

Seasons of Grace

Life has become....interesting lately, with more on my shoulders than ever before.  I went into it with my eyes open and nonchalantly assured every one "I'll be fine!"  Satan, of course, knows just how to get at me and attacked with a vengeance.  It seemed as if something could happen, it did!  I felt like I was getting hit repeatedly with no time to recuperate from the first hit.  I had nothing to fall back on--except  God.  My friend, that's enough!!  The song comes to mind "When Jesus is All That I Have, He is All That I Need"!  Yes, trials will come.  Businesses will claim non-payment when you know you've paid (fixable, but takes much time and effort during a time when everything else is going wrong!), bathroom lights will threaten fire, teaching algebra will still make you want to pull out your hair and let's not even talk about the 6 year old and the sudden block when it comes to counting by 5's!  Migraines will come, sciatic nerves will pick the worst times to scream at you, and things will come up that you don't even want to talk about.  God is there for you, though, holding you through the trials of life--if you let Him--and you can learn so much from him.  I think my husband said it best last night when he said, "The Lord has a great opportunity to teach us both some things in this unique situation."  How true!  You know what the great thing is?  Not only are YOU learning, but so are  your kids!  Kids are aware of way more than we give them credit for.  The see all the stuff going on, and they're watching how  you deal with it.  If you fall apart easily, usually they will as well.  What a great opportunity to show them that all of our talk about faith and trust in God isn't just TALK, but TRUTH!  What are you teaching your kids?