Friday, December 20, 2013

Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis

Forever Friday: A Novel
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This book typifies why I am thinking about phasing out reviewing "Christian fiction". Putting the label "Christian fiction" on a book does not make it so. There's nothing "Christian" about this book. Smoking, drinking, immoral behavior, a so-called "guardian angel" while almost no talk of God Himself, much less anyone even TRYING to live a godly life makes for a very poor book indeed.

The story line itself had some great promise, and there are some very sweet moments, but these are cheapened by the lack of any type of real Christianity, the selfishness of the two main characters--especially Huck--and a gratuitous attempted rape scene (which wouldn't have even happened if Huck had just been honest with her husband!). This is supposed to be a grand love story, but it falls very short. Huck and Gabe are so wrapped up in having a deep, loving, lasting marriage that is really becomes to the exclusion of all others. I also had an issue with the fact that their first "date", which was really all day and night, occurred while Huck was engaged to another man!

If you're looking for a secular love story, this might work great for you. If you're looking for a Christian love story, I'd advise you to look elsewhere.

I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Press through "Blogging for Books" in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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