Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life happens! :-)

I'm getting a little bit overwhelmed at the moment, but I know that will pass.  We're less than 2 weeks out from starting school this year, but my summer did NOT go as planned.  (When does it ever?!?)  I started May with a very large kidney stone that forced me to have a lithotripsy to blast it.  I thought that would be the end of it.  Boy, was I wrong!! 

When I went for my follow up visit, I was informed that my calcium levels were high, and when you put that with parathyroid hormones that were through the roof, I was told I had hyperparathyroidism, and I needed surgery--soon!!  I wasn't so sure about that, so went home and started researching hyperparathyroidism.  Hmmm.  Come to find out, that one tiny (or in my case, NOT so tiny!) parathyroid gland can cause all kinds of problems--including my very large number of kidney stones!  I went to see the surgeon, and before I knew it I was scheduled for surgery.  I was expecting a quick surgery and easy recovery.  Unfortunately, once again, things did not go as planned!  My parathyroid gland was over 85 times as big as it was supposed to be which caused a larger incision, lengthier surgery, and fairly rough recovery.  I'm doing so much better, but I'm getting a little anxious about being ready for school in time!  On the plus side, the deep bone pain I was experiencing is GONE, and my blood pressure is normal again instead of all over the place like it was.  I have high hopes that the general "feeling bad", brain fog, memory issues, etc will resolve over time.

Yes, this has been a very rough summer for me.  Yes, school is rapidly approaching and I don't feel I'm ready yet.  However, God is good--ALL the time!!  I know God pointed me towards using Tapestry of Grace curriculum.  I have NO doubts that it is what He desires us to use.  Therefore, I know I need to rest in Him and be confident that He will see me through this!!   I'm sorry if this is a little muddled, but I still feel a little muddled! :-)  I'm confident that "this too will pass!" 

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