Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I'm a certified book-a-holic.  Nothing makes my day better than going to the mailbox and finding new books! :-)  Today was great as THREE came in all at once! 

Now, TOG is a book-heavy curriculum.  This will, I think, work well for our family as we are huge readers.  However, that gets pretty pricey over the long run.  I'm trying to use the library for most books that are only used for 1-2 weeks.  I'm also using my book swap websites for as many books as I can find through them.  Otherwise, I usually go to Amazon or Half.com.  I've gotten most of the books we needed but didn't have either requested from the library or on order.  The first three came in today! :-)  My oldest dd is only a freshman this year, so I realize the SAT book is a little early, but I mainly wanted it for the vocabulary.  TOG tells rhetoric students to start a vocabulary box, but little or no help on what vocabulary to use!  Hopefully, this will help with that issue.

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