Tuesday, August 12, 2014

And so, the year begins!

Well, technically, we began July 28th.  As usual, I'm a tad late getting on here and posting.

First day of school!
It's been an interesting couple of weeks.  We're still trying to get used to using TOG, and it's not helping that weeks 2 and 3 are heavy weeks reading wise in history.  Some of the book are really hard for my girls to get into, but some of them they are thoroughly enjoying.  My freshman has decided she'll be happy to never talk about Ancient Egypt once we get past it!  There has been some frustration...and a few tears...but I just keep reminding them that this is a) a new curriculum and b) unfortunately, there's a couple of really heavy weeks right off the bat.  I really think once we get past this week, things will start settling out.

As always, there is tweaking going on.  TOS had a sale of a whole bunch of books, etc for $19 that also included a full year of Live Online Math video course, so we switched our freshman to that instead of Landmark's curriculum.  I unexpectedly got Writing Aids when I bought my TOG curriculum, so we're using that instead of the Write With Ease and Igniting Your Writing, though the 7th grader wants to try to use Igniting Your Writing as well once things level out.  As long as she's doing her other work, I'm great with that!  Italian is being a tad slow getting back into it, but as we started so early, and these first few weeks are harder getting settled in and the heavier load, I've given them a break and not made it mandatory until next week.  We're doing a combination of Rosetta Stone (they're starting Level II) and Duolingo which I love!  I think both programs have strengths and weaknesses, and I feel they really compliment each other well.

Little Bit is doing great in kindergarten.  We have our moments, but overall, I'm very happy with her progress.  I'd forgotten how...interesting it can be homeschooling one her age! lol  Things I'm SURE we'll struggle with we fly right through (see photo below), and things I think will be easy...are NOT!!  Who knew you could have so much trouble with ONES and fly right through the FIVES?!?

First time trying with NO help!
Well, time if flying on, and Little Bit is ready for me to help her in phonics. 


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