Thursday, January 24, 2013

"Micah" by Dani Ramsey

MicahMy rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is probably the hardest book I've had to read and review. Micah was an amazing teen that faced the most malignant and fastest growing cancer that existed with peace that God was in control and He would get the glory no matter the outcome. He had a strength beyond his years--more strength than his parents even. This 15-year-old boy calmly held his mom while she fell apart after the terminal diagnosis, telling her it would be okay. Micah wrote after his the diagnosis, "We as human beings were created by God t worship and glorify Him. It is what we are designed to do. God also has had a plan for us since before we were born. Apparently one of His plans for my life is that I was to fight cancer. This is so that I can glorify and serve Him in some way. I do not know what this way is. What He is doing, I'm sure, my simple mind cannot fathom. God is all-knowing and I am not. That is the plain and simple truth. He is going to be GREATLY GLORIFIED through me fighting cancer. Not because I'm some great person, but because He is a great, mighty and totally awesome God." Wow!! If more of us could grab hold of this concept when we go through our trials and struggles, we'd be better off and God would get more glory!

Some things in the book bothered me. I understood not doing chemo and radiation with this particular cancer, but some things were just odd. The thing that struck me the most was when writing of immediately after his death, his mother wrote, "We simply wanted to dispose of the body quietly witout any fanfare." Are you kidding me!! I understand wanting a quiet, family funeral, but "dispose of the body"?!? That statement was pretty disturbing to me. The book is worth the read just for Micah's testimony throught the 20 week ordeal.

I was sent a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through BookCrash. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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